Birth Services

 Each birth is unique.

I will support you and your ideal birth whether that is in a hospital or home setting, medicated or unmedicated, vaginal or c-section.

As your doula, I care that you are supported in your choices, and you are respected.

  • The Budget Package


    Two 1-hour prenatal appointments to get to know each other, discuss your birthing goals, coping techniques for pain management and address any concerns you have going into birth or postpartum.

    At 36 weeks, unlimited support via phone, text, video, and email during your pregnancy

    Physical and emotional support during active labor and birth

    Pictures and videos during birth

    Continued support for 1 hour after baby is born

    Follow up support at 24-36 hours postpartum to check in and address any immediate needs

  • The Partial Package


    Three 1-hour prenatal appointments to get to know each other, discuss your birthing goals, coping techniques for pain management and address any concerns you have going into birth or postpartum.

    Unlimited support via phone, text, video, and email during your pregnancy

    Physical and emotional support during labor and birth

    Pictures and videos during birth

    Continued support for 2 hours after baby is born

    Follow up support at 24-36 hours postpartum to check in and address any immediate need.

    At 1 week postpartum, a 1-hour postpartum visit. We can discuss your labor and any concerns or needs since baby has been born. I go over several services and resources for different postpartum needs. Also, this includes a homecooked bone broth to assist with your postpartum recovery.

    Unlimited support via phone, text, video, and email for 6 months postpartum.

  • The Full Package


    Four 1-hour prenatals appointment to get to know each other, discuss your birthing goals, coping techniques for pain management and address any concerns you have going into birth or postpartum.

    Unlimited support via phone, text, video, and email during your pregnancy

    Physical and emotional support during labor and birth

    Pictures and videos during birth

    Continued support for 4 hours after baby is born

    Follow up support at 24-36 hours postpartum to check in and address any immediate need.

    At 1 week postpartum, a 1-hour postpartum visit. We can discuss your labor and any concerns or needs since baby has been born. I go over several services and resources for different postpartum needs. Also, this includes a homecooked bone broth to assist with your postpartum recovery.

    Two postpartum, half daytime care session (light housekeeping, dishes, laundry, running errands, preparing food, and care for baby and/or mom).

    Unlimited support via phone, text, video, and email for 12 months postpartum.

Let’s work together